Anita Roddick & 5 Ways to vomit unexpected ideas
Friday, April 27, 2007 at 4:32PM
Liara Covert in Inspirational Mentors

When Gordon Roddick desired to fulfill his childhood dream of riding on horseback from Buenos Aires to New York, his wife Anita knew she would need a strategy to support herself and her daughters while her husband realized this crazy goal.  She had long thrived on adventure and risk-taking herself, having undertaken a hippy excursion around the world before she met him.  Their duo initially survived on small business ventures, then she devised The Body Shop. It originally grew in her kitchen from basic ideas to recycle brown paper (vomit) bags as packaging.

Many people know that the Roddicks have gone on to supervise the controversial, environmental-activist-oriented empire.  Over 27 years, this company expanded from a one woman-show to a single provincial store, to include over 2000 stores in 50 countries, more than 70% of which are franchised.  How did all this come about? It was more than a reflux reaction... 

1) Find a way to pay the rent.  Sounds simple, doesn't it? A woman racked her brains for a concept that would be compatible with her beliefs, generate some money and enable her to care for her children.  Her travels had taught her about the niche for inexpensive, natural beauty products in basic packaging.  She started-out with a no-fuss attitude and a goal to pay the bills.

2) Learn along the way.  When Anita initially approached the bank for a loan, she knew littler about protocol.  She wore casual clothes and took her children.  Her enthusiam wasn't enough to win the bank's approval. Luckily, she went back wearing a suit with her husband who made the presentation and secured the initial loan.  She learned doing things her way didn't always get desired results.  With her husband away, not being able to get an extended loan, she strategically approached a friend's boyfriend (mechanic), and he gained a half-share while she opened a shop.

3) Be unorthodox.  Standing out from the crowd draws attention and can be achieved different ways.  Anita felt a social responsibility to develop in-store campaigns to promote her beliefs in protecting and restoring the environment.  She also felt an obligation to incorporate ways to raise awareness about human rights.  Her desire to develop a sense of accountability continues.  Her creativity explodes in a bouquet of impatience to change what she sees isn't working in the world.

4) Don't focus on the bottom line.  The Roddicks have always portrayed themselves as representing a company most concerned with being radical, ethical, and culturally-conscious.  The revenue stream is considered an offshoot of their integrity, principles and dedication.   The company floated in 1984 and the business was valued at $14.5 million after a day of trading. Anita feels that kind of level of success revealed public support for their message.

5) Move with the times.  The Body shop remains cutting edge because executives remain aware of trends and avoid stagnating or becoming a dysfunctional coffin for dead ideas.  The evolution of the internet and trends in other cosmetic companies have influenced The Body Shop products to be made available in new ways, such as in-home direct sales strategy.  New products emerge with the seasons and surveys keep the company closely acquainted with client desires and values.

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