Eradicate anxiety
Monday, April 23, 2007 at 12:21PM
Liara Covert in Success Principles

Each decision we make to define and experience hardship or conflict, enables us to feel better grounded in life, even if we continue to struggle. The end result sought in most endeavours is peace of mind. You desire to feel good about yourself, that you've made choices that cause you to be true to yourself, to do the best you can. As you ponder this idea, you'll determine ways to measure your sense of success, outside perceived reasons for anxiety, and live a happier, more fulfilling life.

Everything around you is constantly changing so its wise to learn to evolve with rather than resist change.  A good question to ask yourself is, "would I rather feel right or happy?" If you would rather feel happy, then it becomes easier to let sources of frustration or worry go. If you would rather be right, and you'd even fight for vindication, you justify success on a different plane.

Illness and adversity can appear to be burdens. Yet, you have a source of contentment that is accessible inside at any moment, and despite any conditions. Have you learned to tap into it? When you feel challenged, its especially important to reconnect with this inner feeling because it reframes your sense of success. As you tap into inner peace, or learn to create it, this practice can have a positive impact on your mood and attitude and better equip you to deal with difficulties.

To have a strong and active mind may mean you frequently deliberate how to work out issues and problems. Does your mind run on over-drive? In such cases, your initial sense of success may relate solely to a satisfactory resolution. However, it is also useful to pay attention to the meaning and impact of alternate states of mind. Feelings can become your guides as you gain faith in this process.

Sometimes, solutions to your problems will be hidden or apparently inaccessible. No matter how you strain, you may not appear to get closer to solving them. This lack of progress toward perceived success may feel disconcerting. Yet, unbeknownst to you, you get closer and closer to an acceptable resolutions all the time. It's a matter of adapting how you see and interpret things.

Grow to accept your initial view of situations is not as bad as you initially thought. Understand you may create illusions and exaggerate problems. You also decide when your course of action is enough to result in feelings of success. What will happen as you believe you can eradicate your anxiety at the source? Taking greater control of your mind itself reveals success. The question is, do you belittle that mighty feat?

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