You won't go anywhere today without something happening inside yourself. You may dream of encountering people and situations, but does your life meet your expectations? We have to stir ourselves up to get useful things out of whatever happens. You have a reaction to every event and encounter, but are you aware? How do you recognize the nature and impact of your reactions to the rest of your life? You have the advantage to open or close your own doors of opportunity. The question is, do you empower yourself within as you can?
Ask yourself if your reactions are open-minded, compassionate and characterized by a desire to embrace uncertainty and make the best out of it. Ask yourself if your reflex reaction is negative, angry, frustrated, fearful or doubtful. Over time, you can learn to discern whether your reactions are subtle and unconscious, and whether you build up undesirable tension. What does this teach you?
If you think back to your past reactions to people you've met and events that have unfolded, you can detect the energy of your reactions, whether its built you up or dragged you down. You can let go of mistakes you feel you've made, of triumphs which have enabled you to better yourself. Everything that has happened, how you've been treated in relationships, what medical diagnosis has revealed, what your boss has reported, what you have felt about a sense of defeat, you can use your past to empower your future. You have the strength you need to build a good attitude. Your life may be difficult, but how does it make you stronger?
You may be discouraged by things you've seen and heard, yet, remind yourself that was a way to raise awareness of about what you have yet to do, but know you will inside your heart. Consider Catherine Hamelin, an Australian physician who was so moved by health problems of fistulas in Ethiopia, she and her husband opened a women's hospital there to treat the problem. They devoted their lives to this cause.
Do you remember what you promised yourself? Move beyond the frustration you may feel because someone forgot what you asked them. Don't focus on what hasn't been done for you. Recognize not what you don't have, but the skills and abilities you do, and what you have the power to do with it. Gifts are meant to be valued and used for the betterment of yourself and others. Be there for yourself, even if other people aren't supporting and encouraging your ideas. The insight you gain into yourself gives you strength and inspires positive people to enter and enrich your life.