Difficulties may appear to happen. We can each discover we have inner resources. Take the risk to survive your perceived adversity. Paths you define teach you how to live in more meaningful ways. It's not that you forget how to take risks. Some people just never choose to learn how. You may resist doing things you sense are truly necessary. Next time you tell yourself you're too busy to do what you you'd rather, stop and think what you're really saying. Learn to read between the lines. You may have forgotten what it means to be honest with yourself.
Choose instead to be brave. Reflect on your life and discern where and when you've taken risks and where you've chosen to avoid them. Do you recall experiences where you learned to take risks to love and encourage others or, to take risks to feel encouragement? Some of those risks you took will not have turned out as you hoped. Yet, all outcomes from all experiences enable you to get in touch with yourself. What have you learned? Take risks to listen and help yourself while you also serve others.
Did you ever think you were meant to get off track in order that you would develop the skills to live a more fulfilling life? If you stumbled onto a material fortune and had all your needs and dreams satisfied, taking risks to lose it all might become your primary source of motivation. Is our task to learn to trust ourselves and others? to take chances and experience vulnerability? joy and pain? Why are you here?
Some people take steps to teach themselves the true meaning of impermanence. It requires risk to define and lead a life of instability. Other people strive to reinforce permanence, legacy and physical reality. No matter what your choices, you take risks to learn how to live. As you find ways to help yourself, your inner wisdom grows. As you learn to listen to yourself, other people may begin to learn from you and take their own risks. Once you stop resisting what it means to feel more alive, you'll take risks to set yourself free. The degree and nature of freedom are totally up to you.