Invisible wings that enable you to fly
Tuesday, March 6, 2007 at 1:07PM
Liara Covert in Guardian Angels

If you travel, or know anyone who does, you hear about the fiascos that go on in airports. Security has been heightened all over the world. This means identification is now manditory when crossing borders. Many people are familiar with paper tickets and electronic tickets and how you're required to have the paper ones in hand before you can get a boarding pass and board a plane.

One businessman friend of mine arrived at the airport only to discover he had forgotten his passport. Imagine his dismay. He had a crucial meeting scheduled in New Zealand that couldn't be postponed. There was no way he could get back through Melbourne city to his home to get the document and return to the airport without missing his plane. With many odds against him, he discovered he had unexpected powers of persuasion. He managed to board that plane and do what he had planned to do in NZ on the condition that someone would have his passport at the airport upon his return. In times of high security, this occurred without a hitch.  He questioned whether his guardian angel had entered the minds of the airline officials who let him board his planes, and whether the angel took human form to bring him his passport and allow him to pass back through security.  He couldn't help but laugh when he found himself driving behind a convoy of Hell's Angels on familiar motorcycles all the way back to his home.

I had a heavenly experience where I arrived at an airport after a plane had already headed down the runway.  Something possessed the minds of those pilots and they came back and pick me up! As I boarded that particular aircraft, I admit I wasn't sure if the glares of fellow passengers revealed they knew a guardian angel had intervened on my behalf? I smiled at them and saw a girl wearing a t-shirt with an angel behind my seat. Funny, her mommy wasn't smiling like her.

Another experience I had was to discover I had forgotten a paper ticket when I had arrived in a busy international airport. This was a multiple destination ticket which required boarding passes and authorisations to land in multiple countries. Part of me thought the itinerary changes had been made electronically, but I had made a mistake and admitted it. At the same time, because of tight connections and events in different places, I prayed that Higher Forces would forgive my short-sightenedness and somehow intervene. It didn't take long to convince me that multiple members of that air carrier were collaborting with my guardian angels.  Not only did the ticket sales manager rebook my itinerary through 8 countries, but he gave me a voucher for a free drink to reduce my stress and didn't charge me for the booking changes. I received an escort through security and my bags were personally delivered to the baggage handlers. My own experience is that positive thinking and inviting desirable outcomes can indeed be very effective, and I'm unconvinced I do these things on my own. 

When I think to airport experiences, the place itself represents a desire for freedom.  We're ready to take off for some destination, and yet, part of us has already done so even before we board a plane.  We may like to visualize angels when situations work out and make us feel good.  At the same time, Forces beyond us may offer us signs to remind us events can unfold in our favor.  Invisible wings may in fact enable you to fly more often than you think.

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