When enough is enough
Sunday, March 18, 2007 at 1:37PM
Liara Covert in Risk Taking

When you take risks to make decisions, you base your position on a level of satisfaction. If you ask yourself whether you've had enough of something, you question whether your patience has reached its limits, whether your stomach is full, whether your mind is content with the answers it receives. Take a risk to go further.

Consider your pain threshold. How many times will you allow yourself to touch a hot stove when you have already learned doing so results in a burn? How many times will you permit someone to hurt you physically or emotionally before you choose to get out of a situation? How frequently will you accept harsh criticism in a setting before you decide its too self-destructive? Enough is enough!Establish your limits!

Consider your ego. If someone is sacrificing a lot for you, and abandoning a pursuit would be disrespectful or do this person a disservice, would you still be willing to act on pure self-interest? If you convince yourself your self-image and personal control are more important, enough is enough! Think of others' interests too.

Consider your patience. Are you being impatient? Some people wait years or even a lifetime believing relationships will work out or lost loved ones will reappear. Some people also have unwavering faith rain will relieve drought, that business downturns will experience an upswing, that environmental disasters will restabilize equilibrium, that sudden illness will trigger changes in self-defeating habits. Is nurturing faith hurting anyone? Have no faith or patience? Enough is enough! Patience is always within reach.

Consider your sources of sustenance. How is your behaviour influencing your own level of sustenance? If lazing around isn't helping you pay bills or to deal effectively to obtain necessities of life, then you would benefit from a change in attitude and activity. Apathy and lack of self-care can be destructive.  Enough is enough! Decide you'll find a way to improve your situation and do it!

Consider your readiness. You may be preparing for some experience. Learn to give yourself pep talks. What holds you back? Why hesitate to jump out of the plane? Why not speak in front of people or express your opinion openly? If you permit fear to control you, you could lie to yourself about not being ready forever. Enough is enough! You'll be ready when you decide you're ready.

Article originally appeared on Inspirational Quotes, books & articles to empower you (https://blog.dreambuilders.com.au/).
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