Listen closer to whom you know
Sunday, March 18, 2007 at 3:17PM
Liara Covert in Guardian Angels

The next time you interact with someone you know, rather than listen to what you're thinking, turn instead to your focus to what you're feeling.  The depth and intensity of your communication will change considerably.  Words you choose may be inadequate to clarify the indescribable. An angel  can be an earthly messenger who provides us with information just when we could really use it, reminding us how well we really know ourselves.

Why is it that you're drawn to certain people to strike up conversation and not others? Why is it that you connect and keep in touch with people you hardly ever see, yet, barely talk to people you've known for years through school, work or social activities? Listen closer to whom you know.  They may have entered your life to allow you to discover that feelings, inclinations, knowledge and energy you seek consciously or unconsciously aren't all accessible or perceptible at the same time.

You may have known a friend for a year or more and only just discover a shared belief you didn't know you shared.  Why didn't you learn about this source of common interest sooner? Maybe you weren't ready.  Maybe you didn't ask the proper questions. Maybe it didn't really matter before. Maybe your senses weren't sharp enough. Maybe you weren't as attentive then as you have become.

Over the years, old friends and acquaintances have contacted me unexpectedly and sent me books and flyers which responded to issues on my mind at the time. I have met people with notable specialisations who turn out to be 'a friend of friend' and kindly offer timely advice without being asked. I've attended functions where I've been drawn to guests I initially felt were strangers but turn out to know me or be linked to important areas of my life. Such experiences may seem a bit quirky, but they're true. As you listen closer to yourself, you'll feel more attuned to people you know.

You may have also had experiences where you've met people who confirm things you've been thinking.  I recently spoke with an engineer I know about interpretations of specific circumstances.  He astonished me by finishing some of my sentences in ways that gave me a physical, 'real world' confirmation of what my intuition was already telling me.  Was he a earthly guardian angel? Maybe. Similar experiences remind me I don't struggle to recall specifics. A profound truth is awe-inspiring.

Article originally appeared on Inspirational Quotes, books & articles to empower you (
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