Delay isn't denial
Saturday, March 17, 2007 at 11:11AM
Liara Covert in Success Principles

Remind yourself that just because events do not unfold when you want them to, this doesn't mean you will be denied what you hope to experience. What about the gift of anticipation? You may not yet have learned waiting can be good for you. Perceived delays can actually be desireable.  Tell yourself you're simply being prepared for what is to come.  You'll enjoy the future more  because you have occasion to savour how it evolves and get things out of each step. Recognize the benefits of what you gain from waiting will outweigh the things you don't like.   Short-term discomfort will help you appreciate the longer time gains. You can also reframe irritations. After all, your attitude determines if you choose to like or dislike what happens. What about you?

For example, if you get uptight waiting to hear whether or not you were chosen for a new job, you may be focusing on the wrong things.  Make allowances.  Put your expectations aside.  Do what you can and focus on 'the here and now'.  What about positive experiences right in front of you? Aren't you missing out on the pleasure you could be experiencing where you are today?

Consider you may dwell on ways people irritate you.  When you magnify what you dislike, you focus on faults and will find it difficult to strengthen meaningful, successful relationships.  If you desire relationships, realize you have idiosynchrosies and weaknesses just like other people. Rather than be a complainer or a nag, highlight the good qualities. When to talk negatively about other people, this reflects back on yourself.  It detracts from your sense of success. 

Negative thinking causes you to second guess your choces. We all have good qualities inside.  Encourage, appreciate and praise friends and situations.  Remind yourself you shape yourself based on what you choose to experience.  The passage of time is required for relationships and situations to develop depth and longevity. Rather than focus on what is missing, why not be grateful for what success you already have or have had on the road to new kinds of success?

Success in any area of your life is accessible as you believe in yourself and your potential. How you feel about yourself comes across in what you do, how you think, behave and treat people. What goes around comes around and expecting success will contribute to experiencing it. Define what this concept means in your mind.  Your life will evolve as you attract your imagined views.  Remind yourself you do not only work on your timeline. Variables outside your control influence the where, when and how you will experience success. Hold on and believe.

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