Cement sent from heaven
Tuesday, February 27, 2007 at 7:09PM
Liara Covert in Guardian Angels

The following is a true story which helps you learn why this man takes angels seriously.

When I was 23, I was sailing in the Caribbean, off the coast of Cuba, and my small boat capsized.  A friend and I had taken it from the Havana Yacht Club and foolishly sailed out too far, without having the sense to wear life jackets.  Sail and rudder were gone.  With great effort, we hauled ourselves inside and sat there, water up to our waits, helpless.  A burst of wind came up, and the next thing we knew, we were clinging to the gunnels of the submerged boat.  It was too far to swim ashore and the waters were full of sharks. We drifted in a swift current, southwestwardly, along the coast.  Before long, it was pitch dark.  I was shaking inside with fear, not knowing how we would ever be found in the darkness, not being sure how long the boat would remain afloat.  I prayed more persistently than ever. I promised God if that he saved us, I would serve him well.

I don't know how much time had gone by when my companion screamed in pain.  A Portugese man-o-war had brushed across his belly, its poison leaving a wake of angry welts.  He kept taking about jumping overboard and, I recall my attention was diverted from my own desperation to talking to him about anything I could think of to distract him from his anguish.  But, I felt it was hopeless.  In the morning, if we lasted that long, the sun would emerge and burn us to a crisp.

Miraculously, morning came and the sun was not as threatening as I'd imagined.  We were at least a mile from shore, and still afloat.  Much to my surprise, I saw a large ship approaching and became excited.  The ship had seen us.  As the ship grew closer, I could read the large letters painted on the side: Lehigh Portland Cement.  The sailors threw the ladder down and one kind man helped us on deck.  We drank coffee and the ship turned back to harbor.  I said a prayer of thanks, reminding myself of my promises and determined to do my best to remain faithful to them.

For years I remained convinced my prayers had been heard by God.  And recently, I began to wonder whether God had sent an angel to send us safely home.

-Frederic Flach, MD, based on an excerpt from The Secret Strength of Angels 

Article originally appeared on Inspirational Quotes, books & articles to empower you (https://blog.dreambuilders.com.au/).
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