Paranormal skills confound some people and intrigue others. You may seek to redefine your views of the truth. You may even dream of developing some new abilities. Come what may, it would be helpful to uncover the reasons behind your apparent curiosity. To do so, you benefit from asking yourself the following:
1) What are your initial impressions? Some people get their first exposure to paranormal skills in popular culture such as film, articles and other media. Where did you first learn the term 'paranormal?' What about these skills appeals to you? Do you believe it possible or illusory? Who have you seen on read about with such abilities? How does it make you feel?
2) Why are you seeking further information? Perhaps you are intrigued with a particular person you've heard about and would simply like to learn more about him or her. Then again, you may have different underlying motivations. As you learn more about yourself, you are actually preparing your mind and perception to learn.
3) How do you hope to use these skills? You always have a plan for your initiatives. It may simply be unconscious until you discern and openly acknowledge it. How you evolve and grow is highly dependent on whether you aspire to use developed skills for service or other purposes.