Choosing a fork in the road
Thursday, December 20, 2007 at 7:37PM
Liara Covert in Guardian Angels

We’re all been there. You know, you set out for a destination and somehow, you get sidetracked. You end up on what seems to be a detour. You may come to a sign and take an unknown road out of pure curiosity. You may never reach the original destination. It may bother you or, you may forget about your initial intention completely. Upon later reflection, you may wonder if you were ever meant to reach the place in your initial thoughts. Maybe that quest had a different purpose.

Angels are always watching over you.  As you ask, they perform deeds to help you. What if you suddenly realized what you assumed were detours actually led you to the path you were meant to travel?  At times, your sense of direction may be misguided, yet, you go on as if all is well. Who or what might put new ideas into your head at different phases in your life? Could this be your guardian angels reminding you of their presence? Helping you get back on the right track?

Each step you take is either a step toward or away from your true self. Each choice you make can enable you to move into your true talent and true identity or, further cloud your perspective. Learning the difference is part of the reason you’re alive. Your guardian angel is ready to help. When was the last time you reached out for heavenly assistance? Why not ask for what you're thinking about right now?

Consider a woman who was driving to deliver material to a prospective client.  Encounters with heavy traffic and road construction caused her to rethink the trip midway. After waiting for a time, she turned her car around and began to retrace her steps. Soon after that, she came across a sign she hadn’t noticed before. The sign directed her attention to a different client prospect that had an office nearby. Although it turned out to be closed, she did find another unanticipated prospect. This new client turned out to be larger than the other two prospects combined.

Why did she set out for the original destination and never actually reach it? Why did this woman suddenly notice that alternative road? Where did that sign come from? Did her perception change? What about her energy vibration? Did she find something because she was ready and looking? Maybe her originally planned trip was actually meant to prepare her for what she found. It wasn't coincidence that she discovered an angel T-shirt with wings on the back that afternoon. It was another positive sign.

Article originally appeared on Inspirational Quotes, books & articles to empower you (
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