If you're building a business, or even thinking about it, then its useful to realize such a creative endeavour will be part of your own growth process. That is to say, no matter which goals are set or milestones reached, the business will offer frequent new challenges. As you embark on the next stage of your business strategy, or seek new business investments, its meaningful to remind yourself of a few things:
1) Everyone you meet has lessons to teach you. Maybe you're looking for business partners, distributors or staff. Even if all you know so far are incompatible personalities or undesirable business practices, its all good. You see, you also discover what you truly want and need through encountering what you don't. Choose to see the glass is at least half full rather than half empty. Learning lessons is key.
2) Stability begins as a state of mind. Some people think that constant influx of money or profit is the key to stability. Not so. In business, the most predictable thing is impermanence. How you react to what happens around you matters. You create your stability through making informed choices. Adapt to markets. Evolve to respond better to service clients. Develop diplomacy and practices which appeal.
3) Consider each step as a "test bed." Whatever your track record, you can always look forward and decide to retain valuable lessons. The last investment may not have had the highest return, but you can visualize how the next one will be better. The last business associate you had may not have been the most conscientious or dependable, but your insight means your next choice will be stellar. The last product you turned out may have had some flaws, but you can apply what you learned to make the new release take the market by storm. View this stage with confidence.