Intimidated by the door
Saturday, November 17, 2007 at 9:29AM
Liara Covert in Dream Analysis of the Week

Analysis of the week on dream submitted by I.S. of Melbourne, Australia.

Dream: This particular experience emerged during a meditation, but the theme comes up again  and again in my dreams.  I am walking through a peaceful valley and approach a castle. As I get to the door, I begin to feel the build-up of anxiety.  Part of me would like to find a way to open it or go through, but something always holds me back.  I freeze and can never go any further.  I feel stuck where I am.

Predominant Emotions: doubtful, distrustful, paralyzed, distressed and hesitant.

Interpretation: Doors often represent opportunities. Its useful to recognize "where you stand."  A sense of discomfort reveals you aren't allowing yourself to fulfill your deepest desires.  These natural desires resist being suppressed yet, you choose to hold yourself back.  What is the underlying reason for your fear? Negative feelings are signs deeper issues would likely benefit from attention. Why not listen to yourself? What do you gain from creating your own roadblocks? Does this numb pain?

Remind yourself that your emotions don't create the life you lead.  Rather, they indicate the experiences you're currently attracting based on your conscious or ego-based choices.  As your emotions assist you to realize that your choice of thoughts isn't taking you in the direction you truly desire to go, this is a wake-up call to behave differently.  You have the power to direct your own thoughts.

Some people are drawn to re-examine past experiences, such as betrayal or abandonment, which caused them to distrust other people. Just because someone may have let you down before, this doesn't mean everyone will. It could be helpful to reflect on your own behaviour and treatment. We attract everything for a reason.

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