Edgar Cayce & 5 questions to raise your awareness
Thursday, October 18, 2007 at 10:06AM
Liara Covert in Inspirational Mentors

During over 40 years, Edgar Cayce conducted work that has been described as "giving readings." A reading was a discourse given by Cayce while he was lying down, his eyes closed, in an altered state of consciousness.  Almost always delivered in his normal voice, all readings were recorded by a stenographer. More than 14,000 of them are preserved and available for study under over 10,000 subject headings. Some readings were given to individuals and others were complete discourses on topics such as meditation, Bible interpretation and prophecies about world affairs.

You may be skeptical about the gifts and work of a man known as "The Sleeping Prophet" or, question how it could relate to you and your own life. The incredible accuracy of Edgar Cayce's readings is substantial reason to reflect on the value of his influence as an prospective mentor. Why not change your expectations? Would it not be to your benefit to open up to possibilities and raise your awareness to new levels?

1) How does 'psychic' ability relate to me? The term implies more than apparent sensitivity to non-physical forces.  Psychic data stems from the soul.  Since we're all souls, we all have the capacity for psychic awareness that goes beyond perception (or illusion) of time and space.  You may ask yourself what influences hold you back?

2) How can I know if my predictions are true? This gets down to fundamental questions of faith in yourself, in beliefs about things beyond your ego, and also in self-acceptance. If you're the sort of person who accepts events or results blindly without thinking, then you may choose not to believe in associations or that you exert influence and control.  Edgar Cayce offers evidence to help you realize you predict everything, from sensations to life energy changes. You just may not listen.

3) What are the hazards of exploring within? Edgar Cayce may have demonstrated profound abilities to access universal knowledge, yet, you may assume its scary or perilous to pursue a similar path. As you close your eyes, you may be bombarded by voices, feelings, impulses, dreams or visions and experiences. Discerning less worthy sides of yourself, such as envy, greed, possessiveness, vengence, echo your lower-self. This may cloud judgment until you grasp and rise above them. Its part of your process of self-discovery. Be a seeker. Avoid simplistic assumptions.

4) What is the source of data offered by Edgar Cayce? This man's readings offer insight into your inner life and basic states of awareness. His experience sheds light on links among the conscious, subconscious and Divine superconscious mind.  We all sense the certain finite limitations of waking consciousness yet, underestimate infinite potential of learning to connect and channel the Divine. Cayce teaches us reading the subconscious can enhance or distort our access to the Divine inside us. How we filter patterns and thought forms shape our intentions and motivation.

5) Why is it important to have an ideal? Concepts and options are constantly presented to us from inside and external sources. They appear as people, events, visions, feelings and emotions. We're compelled to make choices and they, in turn, shape directions of our lives. Edgar Cayce encouraged people to establish a spiritual ideal within, a centre of stability from which values can emerge and help us to sift through everything else. This differs from religion, which often interprets spirit based on fragmented principles and evolves as an external influence. A spiritual ideal may be associated with a guru or prophet, an appealing quality or moving vision. Whatever the reference, it awakens a higher purpose or oneness.


Article originally appeared on Inspirational Quotes, books & articles to empower you (https://blog.dreambuilders.com.au/).
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