Prove your vibes
Tuesday, October 16, 2007 at 3:29PM
Liara Covert in Consciousness
Have you ever been asked to prove your love or feelings on the spot? Your heart (instincts) can be a more dependable guide for feelings and dreams than your head. People ask if developing intuition is the best use of your potential, or if its possible to prove validity your vibes before you act. What about faith and confidence?

Psychic development doesn't slow your spiritual progress, but can further your goals as you help others. Trusting your vibes is like a springboard that brings you closer to your soul. To learn to listen and really hear your inner voice, you may need to retrain your mind. The creative process is instinctive and flows best without conditioning.

The Siberian chemist Mendeleef dreamed of the periodic table of elements, then recalled and transcribed it while awake. This document is now used routinely by Scientists and school pupils. Paul McCartney claims he initially dreamed the music for his most performed song, Yesterday.  That song echoes through generations.

Edgar Cayce's astral and other dreams led him to write about the Bible as a symbolic account of the fall and restoration of the human soul to its divine origins. During several journeys in to spirit realms, Cayce discovered Genesis is the symbolic testimony of humanity's fall from heaven and paradise lost. His dreams also led him to claim The Book of Revelation represents humanity's restoration to heaven and paradise found. Interacting with spirit raised his awareness of his sense of purpose.

If you choose to believe that we are each separated from each other by our own illusion of consciousness, then you also come to believe many layers of frequencies and vibrations exist to separate what we see and don't see. Dream states bring us into contact with beings and ideas we don't sense or comprehend in other states.

As you accept your mind is a form of energy that influences vibrations, and what you choose to see, it becomes possible to understand higher spheres as a continuation rather than an alternative form of existence to your current physical state. Etheric energy contains all the multi-sensual planes. You can learn to tap into and experience them. You see what you train yourself to see. What you sense and discover in one state is stored in the mind and can be accessed by you at other times, but only when you're ready.

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