Seize the Day
Wednesday, January 24, 2007 at 9:41PM
Liara Covert in Self Improvement

We learn there exist different ways to embrace each day. After all, depending on who or what we are, our energy level, what we set out to do, and how it affects others, can vary.

The spider in my bathroom starts his day by re-partitioning my ceiling.
He certainly seems to believe in his abilities.
His productivity reflects that. I watch him from the shower.
Since spiders are good luck, I left him to his delicate business.

The army of ants outside my front door is marching like tin soldiers in a row.
The team works together to move my garden pebbles out of sight.
I guess it doesn’t matter to them where they were before or why?
Ants have their goals. They know time waits for no creature.
I step over them and go on my way.

The retired couple down the street has already been gardening since dawn.
They work tirelessly until they feel that they are done,
That’s usually most of the day. They're often still outside when I get home. Water restrictions urge them to be frugal, so they summon a hired water truck.
They harness sun, nutrients, whatever they find. It’s amazing what they grow.

The garbage man already came and went. The coupon flyer man left a mark.
Hard to believe the industrious people that do their tasks in the dark.

Coffee shop bustling.
People rushing.
Somebody tells me I’m in the way.
Reading the paper.
Mobile ringing. It isn’t mine.
I dream of the bubblebath. No room for a tub in traffic.

Looking around prompts reflection.

Productivity, industriousness and progress--

You can earn a break, take a break or make a break.

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