10 Tips to be radically responsible
Thursday, September 7, 2023 at 4:19PM
Liara Covert in Consciousness, Dumbledore, Harry Potter, compassion, creation, grace, honour, kindness, life, narcissism, resourceful, responsibility, self-growth

Get back on track-

Commit to our 21 Days of Radical Responsibility Program

Start with 10 tips to be radically responsible (for your life):

1. Make choices based on what’s actually true, rather than what you think should be true.

  • Listen to how you feel in this moment-be aware of signs, signals, sensations as pointers.

  • Tune into the heart vibration and rhythm of the breath. To feel calm or rattled is a reliable guide.

2. Assert and reinforce your feelings, needs, boundaries, requests.

  • Be aware of when someone attempts to talk you out of your feelings
  • See everything as an opportunity to trust yourself more

3. Own your choices and visions. Don't blame others or the external.

  • Know you are who you are because of all your experiences

  • See the lesson or blessing in all situations whihc you create for yourself to grow

4. Honor personal power of others. 

  • Treat them as whole, creative and resourceful rather than needy

  • See your role is to allow others to make their own choices rather than control them

5. Filter for present-moment thinking

  • Be aware of tense of language spoken

  • Let go of thoughts of past or future

6. Focus on what's in your control

  • Focus on yourself and your responses to the external

  • Accept what is within your power and reach

7. Be radically honest with yourself and your values

  • Be aware that every choice has consequences

  •  Do not go along with others simply its easier (recall Dumbledore: "The time comes Harry, when w must choose between what is right and what is easy.")

8. Practice your ability to respond to your emotions, sensations, and thoughts in useful ways 

  • Validate your truth, intuition, signs and signals from within you

  • Meditate to sharpen subtle senses

9. Practice self-compassion: treat yourself with kindness and grace

  • Set realistic standards
  • Love yourself, your choices & inclinations

10. Take action. Action is reciprocal with confidence. Don't stay stuck because you're unsure or the path is unclear. Take a step forward.

  • Notice feacing fear is the reliable choice (so long as it doesn't put you in harm's way)

  • Recall your thoughts and feelings direct every moment of your life – no one is coming to save you=
Article originally appeared on Inspirational Quotes, books & articles to empower you (https://blog.dreambuilders.com.au/).
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