The journey is the goal
Thursday, July 15, 2010 at 9:40AM
Liara Covert in Consciousness, acceptance, ego, existence, goals, mind, obstacles, revelations, truth

Soul knows that in reality, goals do not exist. They are imagined into being by the ego mind which has its motives.  What happens as something within echoes that you are already home? How does this reframe your reasons for running 'here and there?' Why does a sense of purpose shift if you feel nowhere to go?

Imagine, for a moment, that you are already that which you are seeking or wish to become.  If the goal exists within you, it is innate nature.  This is not something to be achieved, obtained through rigorous training or external approval.  It is to be understood. Reflect on obstacles that currently prevent you from complete acceptance.  Which beliefs and attitudes keep you searching for what mind assumes is lacking?

Another view is the essence of being lacks nothing.  How do you come to possess things which confuse the truth? What would you attain as the things are eliminated? Nothing, but revelations of who you are not.  How you think begins and ends in the mind.  How you feel begins and ends in the heart.  In truth, the essence is aways on the path.  You accept where you are fully or turn away. The soul journey never ends.

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