What does 2012 awaken in you?
Sunday, September 6, 2009 at 12:38PM
Liara Covert in 2012, awakening, perception, revelation, shifts

Diverse lines of thought inspire imagination and vision concerning the symbolism of 2012. This is the focus of my interview on WTAM 1000 Radio Cleveland, Ohio on Sept 5th.

Human beings already explore ongoing changes that are challenging their logic, reason and sense of reality. Shifts are occuring on many levels. Read these ideas and offer insight;

1) Let's say the dualistic mind will no longer be.  The predicted shifts in the Earth's polarity could conceivably heal lower levels of consciousness and shift baseline, internal frequency.

2) Envision every mind becomes fully present. Consider the implications of no longer permitting time to control your thoughts and actions. You experience new levels of freedom.

3) Consider what life is like without hierarchies. The urge to dominate or control disappears. Indiviuals are no longer centred on conflicting interests. There is no such thing as depletion of resources. Everyone knows abundance.

4) Brace the self for unconditional love and forgiveness. You release resistance and are inspired to surrender to divine grace. Suddenly, everything and everyone has equal, intrinsic value. Limiting thoughts dissolve.

5) Standard physical shape and form is shifting based on emerging galactic energy dynamics. Appearance is unrelated to your consistent level of compassion, respect for difference, hope, security and constant access to inner knowing.

6) Every cell in the body is aligning with something greater than perceived self. To align resistance, what cannot be sensed by human perception and higher consciousness, people let go of material reality and embrace something about sacred geometry. Clues of this already exist in crop circles. Humans no longer see things in physicality, but as is.

7) Time is expanding.  The world as you know it turns upside-down.  How you perceive the quality of time becomes the focus.  How long it takes no longer matters.

8) A new species of human being is emerging.  This new human possesses traits unlike previous humans. There is talk of changes in genetic structure, life span and awakening of dormant capacities that draw us into a completely New Age. 

Article originally appeared on Inspirational Quotes, books & articles to empower you (https://blog.dreambuilders.com.au/).
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