How to build unshakable confidence
Monday, April 20, 2009 at 1:21AM
Liara Covert in Consciousness, awareness, confidence, immortality, soul

Something happened or, maybe you believe a series of events happened, to explain why doubt is permitted to exert such a hold over your mind. Human beings attune to intuition and trust the body implicitly to signal hunger yet, resist accepting other signs within that actually guide all facets of existence.  How does one build unshakable confidence in the core self?

1) Cultvate awareness all feelings allow you to grow.  Defeat, disappointment, and self-pity focus attention on loss, setbacks and dramas.  Uplifting energy is always offered from all directions.  The physical body generates negative energy as an urgent strategy to prompt you to pay closer attention.

2) Retain meaningful gems from every experience.  For whatever reason, the mind may nurture unhealthy or unrealistic ideas of which situation or relationship is best for you at a given moment.  This is an opportunity to learn to be kinder to yourself, to accept learning occurs in stages.  Be more alert to timeless wisdom readily found in unexpected places. 

3) Notice you believe what you choose.  Regardless of what the mind, body, spirit and experiences present, every fear based excuse you generate alters degrees of inner strength and self-acceptance.  You hold capacity to convince the self of anything through your decision of what is valid and intended.

4) Recognize love guides everything.  Every human being is more energetically-evolved than is consciously registered or grasped at this moment. As you teach the self to shift focus from moment to moment, you are bringing to conscious awareness your power to eliminate discontent and apparent reasons for it. Fear is generated as a projection about a possible future that you do not have to create. Love energy heals all. Unhappiness does not exist right now. It never has.

5) Jog the memory about immortality.  As unrecognized fear is detected and dissolved, it is easier to fathom energy evolves through physical and non-physical journeys. Implications are enormous.  While emotion hijacks attention, the mind blocks its own access to infinite inner knowing.  What is and what is in process of unfolding, remain denied.

6) Acknowledge the power of oneeness. Deliberate steps revive spiritual growth and evolutionary advancement. Human beings have different ways of understanding what this means and how it takes shape. Oneness recognizes all is connected. That is, everything and everyone builds collective energy.

7) View physical laws as overly restrictive. Rules are opportunities to uncover hidden beliefs that create them. Ego perception hampers accessing knowledge of innate abilities, ongoing non-physical cycles and obstacles to accepting personal responsibility. Humans often sceptical of levitation, moving physical objects with thoughts as well as phenomena that defy assumptions about physical laws. To explore the nature of energy reveals diverse misunderstandings.

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