How do you get someone to stop bothering you?
Wednesday, August 27, 2008 at 11:25PM
Liara Covert in Relationships

If you dream of peace in some relationship, it will come. How you view a situation begins inside yourself with your thoughts.  It may be a shocker, but you choose for someone to bother or intimidate you.  For some reason, you sense this would offer valuable lessons. 

What if you decided a troublesome person was frightened and hiding who he really is? It could be a boss, a parent, an in-law, a rival, stranger, whomever.  What does this perspective reveal about your assumptions? Life experience is a worthy teacher.

You may have the urge to laugh to yourself if the source of frustration seems like a confident aggressor or, has the physique of a football player. Yet, appearances are deceiving and do not portray the truth. You must look beyond them to what you hide.

Assumptions are grounded in your own belief that a person posseses something that he does not, that is, power over you.  This presumption is incorrect.  The truth can only be discovered within yourself, though finding courage to embrace life. 

No amount of book learning or impatience will expedite the process. Insight may expand you, but it does not explore practical sides of life.  Some people even believe no study is necessary to realize you shake yourself up in order to remind yourself of the meaning and experience of peace. Feeling bothered is recognizing what is extraneous and letting go.

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